Theft as a cultural achievement / A short note to Ms. Clara Mattei

Dear Ms Clara Mattei,

I would like to share some ideas with you which I consider critical while analyzing the social and economic status of our societies. I actually consider these ideas as the necessary key for unlocking the social transformation towards the common benefit.

Most theories on societal development accept that societies evolved in a linear manner from brutality to civilization. These theories appear to generally agree that this passing was achieved by the gradual advance of the triptych Labor, Exploitation of nature, Technology.

From my readings, some of which are referred to in the attached articles, I have concluded that this theory is a big lie, leaning for centuries on prejudices about what is civilization, what is society, human nature, etc. Not wanting to tire you I move right away to my conclusion and, if you please, I attach the discourse that led me to it.

There is no linear development of humanity and its societies. The foundations of our world do not rely on any technological inventions and the so called Agricultural, Industrial and modern Technological revolutions are, at the most, irrelevant to the structure of our societies.

The human world is structured and guided by War and only that. But this is not about any kind of war. It's the war that was invented by specific persons, in specific historical time and space introducing the stealing of human lives: the Enslaving War.

At about the midway of this sad invention's global expansion, Xenophon gave in a precise way its description:

“Friends and allies, we owe a lot to Gods, because they gave us the ability to achieve what we believed we were meant for. Because now we have a lot of fertile lands and people who by cultivating it will maintain it for us. Even more, we have houses and all we might need inside them. And, of course, none of you by obtaining these should believe that has obtained alien goods. Since there is an internal law among the people, meaning, when a city is lost for its defenders, their lives and possessions belong to the conquerors. Therefore, you will not possess by injustice what you possess, but instead by charity you will not deprive them from what you might let them keep. ...

... By no means though, we should transfer knowledge of martial arts and practices to the ones we intend to make our workers and subjects, but instead we should preserve the superiority in these practices, knowing that gods offered these as means of freedom and happiness. And just as we have taken the weapons from them, we should never be left without weapons, knowing well that those who in every occasion  are very close to the weapons, are those having them for their use when they need them. ...”

- Xenophon, Cyrus Education, Book Zeta, Speaking to the Equals.

The first spark of this invention stands as the moment that the culture of egalitarianism that formed humanity through millions of years begins to get violently dismantled, starting from Mesopotamia and within about fifty hundreds of years spreading its disastrous forces all around the Globe.

In short, the enslaving war:

  1. Removed from the defeated the freedom, integrity, and the possibility to act autonomously.
  2. Imposed a vicious circle of violence forcing those being attacked to choose between enslavement, enslaving the aggressors, or moving to areas with unsuspected populations often to impose their weapons as their means of production.
  3. Imposed a permanent state of war as slavery is achieved and maintained through perpetual war and perpetual war vigilance.
  4. The state of perpetual war imposed permanent war chiefdom, and introduced social inequalities.
  5. The belligerents became shareholders of a new economy and formed an environment of constant competition and warlike vigilance towards every direction.
  6. The constant war against the serfs and the conditions of constant competition shaped the foundations of the State.
  7. Enslavement-plundering constitutes for the warriors-shareholders the production process, their means of livelihood.
  8. For the warrior-shareholders, the means of production are their weapons and the State.
  9. Plunder introduced the notion of possession-ownership.
  10. Possession-ownership led to the requirement for hereditary property transmission.
  11. The hereditary transmission and dominant position of the warrior-shareholders also relegated non-slave women to reproductive accessories and objects of pleasure. The enslaving war, along with the enslaved women, also turned the women of the conquerors into objects of possession.
  12. The condition of permanence of the slavish war brought about and perpetuated as a dominant way of communication between all people the order-command-enforcement.
  13. Chiefdom and hierarchy acquired a material counterpart and shaped Authority.
  14. Authority transformed people from versatile, thoughtful, playful and inquisitive beings into order-following specialized components of its mechanism.
  15. Authority, that is, the veiled or displaced military leadership, established the belief that society is like a human body, where of course the brain is itself.
  16. Authority is self trapped dragging along all of humanity into a perpetual search for resources in order to cope with the demands of the competition it creates.
  17. The search for resources is baptized by the authorities as Development, but in reality it is permanent plunder and destruction.


Theft is the foundation of our world. It's of very little importance what's being stolen, meaning whether it's a collection of forest fruits, agricultural products, industrial products or hi-tech products.

Imperialism is not "the last stage of Capitalism" but instead it is the vital need of any Authority ever since it was imposed.

Fascism, is not born by Capitalism but instead, it is the Entropy of any Authority, leading towards its origins, that is, pure militant power, strict hierarchy, and chauvinism.

State, brother of Violence carries the responsibility of keeping Prometheus (shared Knowledge and free Will) chained to the rock forever. Hephaestus, god of Labor did actually the dirty job. (Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus)

Labor itself is actually the chains of humanity as demanded by the Authority.

Obeying Orders and serving is the humiliation and degradation of any human being.

Money is a sophisticated form of brutal oppression, establishing hierarchies and coercion.

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A. From the egalitarian to the class societies