culture - art
κυκλαδική τέχνη - απουσία πολεμικών σκηνών
κυκλαδική τέχνη - απουσία πολεμικών σκηνών
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By Nationalmuseumofiran - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, |
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By Waldir - Own work, based on the data of File:Population curve.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0, |
neolithic period: ... Skeletal and burial remains do not generally indicate the presence of warfare. ...
Elaboration of the means of maintaining friendly relations and the capacity for sharing access to resources with neighbors set humans apart from chimpanzees and bonobos. Indeed, it might be said that the members of unsegmented foraging societies increase their fitness through “improved access to resources such as food, females, or safety” (ref. 6, p. 12) by eschewing efforts to achieve intercommunity dominance in favor of egalitarian relations of friendship, mutuality, and sharing. This course of action is a wise adaptive choice because dominance is characteristically unattainable, and the only effective means of increasing territory size is to fully utilize border zones. The capacity to maintain friendly relations that allow for access to a neighbor's territory during lean years is particularly important in environments where there are localized year-to-year fluctuations in resource availability. These cooperative relations clearly played a key role in the Upper Paleolithic expansion of human populations across the globe into every environmental zone in which terrestrial mammals of any kind are capable of existing (9). Intergroup cooperation facilitates the rapid colonization of open environments. Under these circumstances, territory size is not a relevant variable and fitness does not correlate with it. Fitness instead correlates with the social group's reproductive rate, which is primarily a function of the ease of obtaining reproductive females from neighboring groups (based on a past history of positive relations).
origin of war / reymond kelly
population growth
the Pauline-Nicene Christians wiped out the gnostics, annihilated the Arians after long bloody campaigns, and murdered and burnt the Marcionites and many other small sects, to leave themselves as the sole Christians within the Roman Empire, free to edit their own books to 'prove' how all their predecessors had been wrong.
... When the Roman-backed instance of Christianity went in search of the ancient centres of Christianity, they discovered to their horror that the Ebionites and Gnostics pre-dated them. Their un-Christian answer was to edit verses, burn books, invent doctrines such as the Trinity, arrest and harass the other poverty-stricken Christians until no opposition was left.
... It is not surprising that the dominant motif in the world's major religions has been a hierarchical one - the ruling powers of most societies understandably promote authoritarian religious ideologies and suppress the egalitarian beliefs. Early Chinese culture, for example, had two competing traditions: that of K'ung-Fu-tzu, which emphasized the need for strict social hierarchy and respect for elders and political authorities, and that of Mo Ti, who promoted an egalitarian ideology and ridiculed the followers of K'ung-Fu-tzu for their "exaggerated" emphasis on authority. The first tradition was institutionalized as Confucianism and became the official state religion of the emperors, whereas the second precipitated a relatively unstable popular movement that was almost lost over the centuries.”
...All this has led some to draw the conclusion that the earliest persecution of Christians by the Jews was directed not at Christians in general, but at Hellenistic Christians. [Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1]
Hellenist judaism 4th centuryBC
Στοιχεία για τις διώξεις των Χριστιανών:
Στοιχεία για τις πρωτοχριστιανικές δοξασίες:
Elaboration of the means of maintaining friendly relations and the capacity for sharing access to resources with neighbors set humans apart from chimpanzees and bonobos. Indeed, it might be said that the members of unsegmented foraging societies increase their fitness through “improved access to resources such as food, females, or safety” (ref. 6, p. 12) by eschewing efforts to achieve intercommunity dominance in favor of egalitarian relations of friendship, mutuality, and sharing. This course of action is a wise adaptive choice because dominance is characteristically unattainable, and the only effective means of increasing territory size is to fully utilize border zones. The capacity to maintain friendly relations that allow for access to a neighbor's territory during lean years is particularly important in environments where there are localized year-to-year fluctuations in resource availability. These cooperative relations clearly played a key role in the Upper Paleolithic expansion of human populations across the globe into every environmental zone in which terrestrial mammals of any kind are capable of existing (9). Intergroup cooperation facilitates the rapid colonization of open environments. Under these circumstances, territory size is not a relevant variable and fitness does not correlate with it. Fitness instead correlates with the social group's reproductive rate, which is primarily a function of the ease of obtaining reproductive females from neighboring groups (based on a past history of positive relations).
origin of war / reymond kelly
population growth
the Pauline-Nicene Christians wiped out the gnostics, annihilated the Arians after long bloody campaigns, and murdered and burnt the Marcionites and many other small sects, to leave themselves as the sole Christians within the Roman Empire, free to edit their own books to 'prove' how all their predecessors had been wrong.
... When the Roman-backed instance of Christianity went in search of the ancient centres of Christianity, they discovered to their horror that the Ebionites and Gnostics pre-dated them. Their un-Christian answer was to edit verses, burn books, invent doctrines such as the Trinity, arrest and harass the other poverty-stricken Christians until no opposition was left.
... It is not surprising that the dominant motif in the world's major religions has been a hierarchical one - the ruling powers of most societies understandably promote authoritarian religious ideologies and suppress the egalitarian beliefs. Early Chinese culture, for example, had two competing traditions: that of K'ung-Fu-tzu, which emphasized the need for strict social hierarchy and respect for elders and political authorities, and that of Mo Ti, who promoted an egalitarian ideology and ridiculed the followers of K'ung-Fu-tzu for their "exaggerated" emphasis on authority. The first tradition was institutionalized as Confucianism and became the official state religion of the emperors, whereas the second precipitated a relatively unstable popular movement that was almost lost over the centuries.”
"Gods in the Global Village" by Lester R. Kurtz (2007)35 this has led some to draw the conclusion that the earliest persecution of Christians by the Jews was directed not at Christians in general, but at Hellenistic Christians. [Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1]
Hellenist judaism 4th centuryBC
Στοιχεία για τις διώξεις των Χριστιανών:
Στοιχεία για τις πρωτοχριστιανικές δοξασίες:
... The question of historical plausibility is important, since some attempts to “rediscover” a radical,
liberating Jesus, Paul or whomever, seem to end up pressing the more awkward texts into an implausible mould in order to construct the kind of ideal figure who is a reflection of the author’s own commitments.
authority - leadership
Βαγγ. Στέφωσης, Αγ. Δημήτριος: "βόηθα φτωχέ μου να μη γίνουμ' ίσα"
Στοιχεία για την δουλεία στην Αρχαία Ρώμη:
Στοιχεία για τον Θερσίτη στην Ιλιάδα του Ομήρου:
Γιουβάλ Χαράρι. ψηφιακή δικτατορία
κιλ δε κίνγκ
success story kori-toy-stib-tzomps-milaei- gia-ton-patera-tis-imoyn-ena- lathos-sti-zoi-toy
... The question of historical plausibility is important, since some attempts to “rediscover” a radical,
liberating Jesus, Paul or whomever, seem to end up pressing the more awkward texts into an implausible mould in order to construct the kind of ideal figure who is a reflection of the author’s own commitments.
authority - leadership
Βαγγ. Στέφωσης, Αγ. Δημήτριος: "βόηθα φτωχέ μου να μη γίνουμ' ίσα"
Στοιχεία για την δουλεία στην Αρχαία Ρώμη:
Στοιχεία για τον Θερσίτη στην Ιλιάδα του Ομήρου:
Γιουβάλ Χαράρι. ψηφιακή δικτατορία
κιλ δε κίνγκ
success story